Oct 14, 2024
In a world overflowing with bad news bias Lee Johndrow stands out by bringing positive news to the world.
Lee grew up in the middle class, liked meeting people, and seeing the value in things in order to sell to other people. A lifelong entrepreneur the way he did business changed when he gave his life to God.
As he read the Bible, he came across instructions that challenged his business practices, and he changed to align with God’s ways.
Lee has taught and coached business leaders to walk in integrity and good business practices and thereby given hope to struggling businesses.
Lee is a great example of the change that takes place when you take God at his word and align your business with the Bible.
He currently is founder of Positive News for You that brings positive news from around the country to bring hope and blessing to his listeners.
Redeem Your Business Today by the Following:
How can we honor God in our business?
Operate your business with honesty and integrity. They are foundational to your business and witness. One challenge from today.
One challenge from today.
Be a light in the dark. Operate your business in a way that turns other’s eyes to Jesus.
A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. — Proverbs 11:1
Should you really go to law against a brother before unbelievers? (see 1 Corinthians 6:1-5). Lee has actually instigated solving a problem between businesses outside of the court system. It works.
How to you operate your business? When push comes to shove, how do you push? Is it in alignment with honoring God?
As a business, you have Time, Talent, and Treasure. Learn to invest not just in your church but also in your community.
And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace. — Jeremiah 29:7
More About Lee Johndrow
More About David Schmidt
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