Nov 25, 2024
Are you looking for a marketing opportunity that will reach your target audience at an affordable price? Are you tired of constantly changing algorithm and rules of Facebook?
Are you ready to reliably scale your business with consistent ads? Try YouTube marketing.
Meet Ben Jones from Titan Marketer. Ben started with YouTube marketing out of frustration with Facebook and the roadblocks they kept putting in his way. After posts being taken down or efforts thwarted, he turned to YouTube.
YouTube is of similar size but currently less than 10 percent of marketing is being done there compared to 90 percent on Facebook. Not only is it less crowded, but the ads are much better targeted to your customer.
Redeem Your Business Today By The Following:
How can we honor God in our business?
Choose cross like actions daily. Actions that honor God.
Be open to receive inspiration daily.
One challenge from today.
Give YouTube ads a go. Try them out. Just get started and you will see the effectiveness of them.
Seek to put more faith in Jesus with what you do and see where it will take you.
Benefits of YouTube Marketing
Less competition. Less than 10 percent of all marketing is on YouTube
Currently Google will give you money on your first round of ads
Targeting is so much better. You can target both interests, geography, and income
People are on YouTube for education or entertainment, so you get more view time on ads than on Facebook or Instagram.
How to Market on YouTube
Long form ads
Short form ads
Listen now to learn how to redirect traffic from your competition to your website.
More About Ben Jones
Free training and get connected at titanmarketer.com
More About David Schmidt
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