Sep 23, 2024
Business without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.
Discovering your purpose as an individual is a prerequisite to business with a purpose.
Join us today as Justin Winstead from The Improver Group breaks down the key elements to guide you in discovering your purpose and putting you on the path to a fulfilling life.
Justin started life believing that money was bad, the rich are evil, and if you were successful, you had cheated your way to success. He has since had a mindset change, realizing that hard work, integrity, and God’s blessing are what make one successful.
Join us as Justin expertly explains the framework to guide you down the path of discovering your individual purpose that combines both natural and divine elements. Listeners are invited to actively pursue their unique purpose and calling because that is when a fulfilling life truly begins.
Learning is the pathway to success.
“Pick a job where you can learn, not just where you can earn.” —Robert Kiyosaki
That is just what Justin has done on his journey to discover his purpose and passion in the marketplace. Learn from his experience as you discover why God has placed you on this planet.
In This Episode, We Discuss:
For Transformation to Happen, You Need to Go Through All Three Stages:
William Barclay: “There are two great days in a person’s life, the day we are born and the day that we discover why.”
Depending on their starting point, people will move through the stages of having no purpose, to choosing their purpose, to discovering their purpose. Where are you?
Discover Both Your Natural Purpose and Your Divine Purpose
Natural Purpose is the intersection of the following:
Passion & Proficiencies
People & Places
Pressures & Problems
Divine Purpose adds the fourth element:
Pull of God & Promises of God
As you combine these elements and live them, they will lead you to prosperity and fulfillment in your life. It’s a journey to discover how these four categories interconnect in your individual life.
Purpose is not just important on an individual scale; it is the foundation for operating a business with a purpose.
A life or business without a clearly defined purpose is like a ship on the open sea without a rudder. You will get somewhere in life, but you will be driven by the wind and waves which will take you places you don’t want to go.
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Get the book, Become an Improver
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Facebook: @improvergroup
Instagram: @improvercoach
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